Look, Listen, Feel

100% Guaranteed Scheme for Pain relief

Few days back, a middle-aged lady walked into my clinic.  She was surely incapacitated and looked in great distress due to her low backache.  She was tall yet unduly overweight for her height.  I listened to her health complaints and examined her.  She was suffering from facet joint inflammation. (a joint in the back which accounts for 40-60% of patients with backache) She was wrongly diagnosed by her peers to be a case of ‘sciatica’ (a general term used erroneously for all back and leg problems)

I suggested a host of medications/measures along with a facet joint injection (a procedure commonly done by us) She was obviously enthusiastic, ecstatic about the procedure as many doctors and surgeons had avoided to operate on her.   She said an immediate ‘yes’ for the above procedure.

No Pain, No Gain

Explaining the procedure to her, I said this might resolve your pain by maybe around 60-70% maximum and she will fare better with other measures along with it.  Her countenance changed, her excitement gone, her courage vanished.   She was distraught and sought 100% guaranteed pain relief. 

Is there any 100% guaranteed way to relieve my pain? Was her next question.  I had an answer.  Read on…

In this fast and ever evolving world, everyone seeks the fastest solution to their problems with the minimum of efforts, minimum of expenditure and on the counter 100% guarantee.  For example 100% guaranteed jobs, 100% guaranteed exchange, 100% guaranteed results and marks.

Forbid me if I may say, there is no 100% guaranteed pain relief methods in the present world that has worked in 100% of patients.  And it is the same in case of all health issues.  No doctor will ever state you will be 100% alright after his intervention.  Only God or a liar can state so.

‘Time heals all wounds’ is a popular adage.  But I can say with my experience, along with ‘time’, NATURE heals.  It’s the intrinsic nature of our body to heal itself.  Researches say that most of the patients coming with acute low backache or neck pain, without any serious signs (note I mention only pain!!!) get cured withing 4-6weeks by simple medical measures/medications without any surgery/intervention.

Best strategy

So what did I suggest my patient.  There is only one 100% guaranteed STRATEGY by nature that can cure your pain –

S – Adequate Sleep of atleast 7-8hours.

T – Time and patience for your body to heal.

R – Regular follow-up with your doctor to check on your progress or worsening.

A –Active exercises of 40minutes exclusively done by you(not household/office work) can release good hormones and cure pain.

T – Titrated Meditation/Mindfulness to avoid ill thoughts/catastrophising your pain and keep saying to oneself this moment in pain will pass-away.

E – Avoiding excessive stress

G – Good food

Y – Changing STYLE of sedentary life.

Obviously, she was not satisfied by my answer and probably none will be.  Cause it is not the easiest way to pain relief.

Dr Milon Mitragotri

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