
Will my shoulder pain ever go away? Yes or No.

Many of my patients do suffer from something calling ‘chronic pain’ and do ask will this pain which is often mild, dull aching even go away. They are quandary whether they will ever live a normal life. I never had an easy answer for them. But I do have some good news for them. Read on…

Chronic shoulder pain, most often referred to as Frozen shoulder, is a debilitating illness which often causes restriction of movements of the shoulder where you are unable to raise your hand above your head, comb your hair and unable to wear your shirt too without discomfort.

You will usually have pain over upper part of shoulder joint and they will severe pain especially at one point on the shoulder in the center.

This pain is usually more after a short period of inactivity and improves by medications suggested by your doctor. But when does it go away. The pain lasts for a maximum of two years but some amount lingers on. The stiffness is the one thing you should be worried more about. This stiffness lasts life long.

So how do I prevent this stiffness. Medications, surgical and non surgical interventions and physiotherapy early in the course of illness can help a long way in reducing the duration of pain as well as stiffness.

Share your experience of shoulder pain with me. Is the pain more or stiffness extensive. Read on for more news and views on pain and related topics.

Dr Milon Mitragotri

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